One of my dearest and oldest girlfriends and I went out tonight. Originally, we had plans to go see a band that I've fallen entirely in love with, The Coal Men. If you've never listened to them, I suggest you Google them this very second and remedy that. As usual when Mrs. P and I are together, we were running late. So we partook of some unimpressive Thai food, and then headed to the coffee shop that Roanoke is famed for. And then we just meandered. And talked and giggled and snuggled. And made people wonder. Eventually, we wound up in a favorite bar, Metro, where I had a stunning revelation...
Thank GOD I'm not 23 anymore.
While waiting to order drinks, we watched two -for lack of a better word - ladies bitch about the men they had just dumped and simultaneously hit on the cute bartender. I listened to them lament their woes and ask for more vodka. And I took a moment to look around. Just really look. And then I giggled silently to myself. I don't want to be sexist, especially against my own sex, but it was just ridiculous. These women preening and strutting and being bitchy. Scantily clad and looking like an army of overzealous cosmetics counter girl had feverishly attacked them. And I know that when people put on such a show it stems from insecurity and not really liking what you have to offer. Not having any real confidence in the goods being offered for sale. I know that's what it was because once upon a time I was 23 and I did the exact same thing. Mrs. P and I exchanged one of our looks, the one that says, 'No, you're not crazy. I see it too and I'm right there with you.' We settled in with our drinks and another round of laughter, neither of us paying much heed to anyone else. Each of us knowing that we both had something no one else there seemed to possess. Confidence in ourselves; a feeling of self worth that nothing but time can give you. Neither of us may be in our 20's any longer, but I don't actually think either of would really go back if we could. I'm not as skinny as I used to be and I have these persistent little lines around my eyes because when I smile I SMILE. I also know that whenever it feels like the world is going to end, it's actually not and I just need to sit and wait out the storm. I would not trade in that knowledge to be 23 and skinny again.
We eventually get up to leave. When I ask the cute bartender for our bill I tell him that we have to leave because I can't possibly dance slutty enough to be here and I need to go home now. And that's exactly what I did. I went home, took off my make up, put on pj's and flossed my teeth. That never would have happened when I was 23.
Thank God I'm not 23. If nothing else, I have really great teeth for all the flossing I do now...
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