Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Visionary Vagina

Today a woman from a doctor's office came into my work place to do some cross marketing. What kind of doctor you ask? Why a cosmetic gynecologist, of course. This is my life we're talking about and only the most ridiculous things can happen to me. So, yes. Plastic surgery for your vajayjay. Labia lift anyone? We are truly people who fix anything we can in this western culture of ours. So, anyway, in addition to those wacky things she also offers something called a g-shot. This is a shot of collagen into your g-spot to make it more, um, noticeable? More easily found & used. Target acquired, mission accomplished. Which the theory sounds great, but I'd really hate a needle there. Plus, if I ever got that done I think I would just spend my days driving over speed bumps and cheering. I would never accomplish anything other than orgasm ever again. I'm actually okay with that part. And no, as this poor woman is explaining all of the procedures to me I absolutely could not keep a straight face. But the best part was that in addition to the brochures & business cards she gave to me there was a word search game. YAY! I love those. So, if you were the first person to finish it and fax it in, the doctor would buy you lunch. Even better, right? It turns out that all the words on the list are something to do with cosmetic procedures of the vag. Sadly, I am bored so I have made pretty quick work of it, except that I cannot find 'vagina' anywhere.

You guessed it, I have actually spent all day at work looking for pussy.

1 comment:

April said...

Spend all day driving over speed bumps and cheering. This is fantastic. LOVE IT.